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Ram Life to launch spotlight series featuring Student Life staff

08.25.2016 | By:
Staff Spotlight Series

We believe your time in college is special. For many, it’s that all-too-fleeting, magical time between high school and the “real” world where you have the unique opportunity to get to know yourself; experience new things, challenge your perspectives, broaden your horizons, make a few mistakes, learn and decide just what kind of person you want to be.

Over the new few weeks, a different staff member in Student Life will share a piece of themselves with you. They’ll reflect on what’s important to them, and what they believe will help you to make the most of your time at Texas Wesleyan. No, they won’t be simply pitching their programs and services at you under the guise of a cleverly crafted article, but rather, digging deep to identify what has been most transformative about their experiences in life thus far, and passing that wisdom as best they can on to you.

We hope you’ll take this journey with us, and we can’t wait to see what you might do with it.