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Faculty/Staff vs. Student Basketball Game

Don't miss the traditional faculty/staff vs. student basketball game on March 17.
Mar 17, 2015 12:15 PM - Mar 17, 2015 1:30 PM
Sid Richardson Gym

We are excited to announce the faculty/staff vs.student basketball game tradition has been rescheduled for 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17. 

During halftime, your Texas Wesleyan Cheerleaders will perform the routine that got them a bid to the NAIA National Competition. We will also announce the winners of the Residence Halls Banner Competition (please stop by Brown-Lupton 133 to vote if you haven’t) and your 2015 Homecoming King and Queen. 

If you'd like to play in the game and show off your basketball skills, sign up online or contact Jasmine Lazarky at 817-531-6522 or

Hope to see you there!

