Boo! October got you scared? Let the ASC and Academic Advising help

It is hard to believe we are in the last week of October. And it is a busy one in the Academic Success Center and as we are helping students finish up this semester and plan their next one.
Attention all freshman! Advising starts this week through Nov. 9. If you have not already set an appointment for advising, please make one. The link to do so has already been sent to your email. Can't find the email? Check your clutter box. An email will be sent every Monday until advising is over. If you have any questions, contact the Advising Center at
If you are thinking you do not have time to attend advising because you have so much to do, attend the Time Management Workshop at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 26 in the Library Orientation Room. You will learn how to balance the many demands on your time in college.
There is also an Interviewing 101 workshop at 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28 in OSH 106 (ASE room).
Lastly, there is always free tutoring available in the Academic Success Center. While you are at the ASC, don't forget to take a guess at the candy corn contest which ends at 5 p.m. on Wednesday.