Texas Wesleyan students represented the Omega Zeta chapter of Phi Alpha Theta history honor society at the Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference at Texas A&M University, Commerce on Sat., March 24. Each made a 15-minute presentation based on their research. Alanna James, a junior history major seeking secondary teaching certification, won a Phi Alpha Theta Book Award for her paper, "Utopia vs. Reformations."
Dr. Brenda Matthews (A.M. Pate Chair of American History) and Dr. Christopher Ohan accompanied the students and chaired sessions at the conference.
Phi Alpha Theta (ΦΑΘ) is an American honor society for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history. The society has more than 350,000 members, with about 9,500 new members joining each year through 860 local chapters. The Omega Zeta Chapter was chartered at Texas Wesleyan on April 23, 1979.
For more information about Phi Alpha Theta or the History program at Texas Wesleyan, visit www.txwes.edu/history.