Texas Wesleyan University’s Omega Zeta Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta invites graduate and undergraduate students to virtually attend the North Central Texas Phi Alpha Theta regional conference. The virtual conference will be held on Saturday, March 27. Students from any discipline may submit individual history-themed papers or panels of three related papers to the conference. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept poster entries.
Papers should not be more than 10 double-spaced pages in length (to be read in a maximum of 20 minutes). The conference will be held virtually over Zoom.
Prizes for the best graduate and undergraduate papers will be awarded.
Submission deadline for panel proposals or abstracts (250-words) is Feb. 15, 2021. Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged via email within 48 hours of sending and acceptance will be confirmed by Feb. 26. Completed papers should then be submitted no later than March 15. To be eligible for paper awards, participants must send completed papers by that date.
Proposals and final papers should be submitted to PAT2021@txwes.edu.
For more information about this conference or the Phi Alpha Theta honor society in History, please contact PAT2021@txwes.edu.