Ever wanted to work in TV or write articles for a news outlet? How about networking with some of the brightest minds in the mass communication field? At Texas Wesleyan, you’ll not only work alongside expert educators in your small classes, but you’ll have the opportunity to get involved outside of the classroom. Here are a few groups and activities that you can be part of as a Ram.
Why wait until you graduate to get involved in media? Through the Rambler Media Group, you can get on-air and production experience by working for one of Rambler TV’s YouTube shows. Interested in writing? You can also write and edit for The Rambler and therambler.org, Texas Wesleyan’s student-run media outlets.
In today’s job market, who you know is almost as important as what you know. When you study mass communication at Texas Wesleyan, you’re going to get a great education while making connections that will last through your career. For example, you’ll get access to the Marjorie Herrera Lewis Speaker series. These talks give TXWES mass communication students a chance to learn more about the industry from leading insiders in the DFW media market. Past speakers include Cowboys sideline reporter Kristi Scales, NFL commentator Darryl Johnston and Cowboys Executive VP and Chief Brand Officer Charlotte Jones Anderson.
Mass communication students can join the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) student chapter at Texas Wesleyan. The chapter is affiliated with the Dallas professional chapter, which allows students to network with professional communicators in the DFW area.
You can also join a professional organization while you’re still in school. The Society of Professional Journalists, Public Relations Society of America and American Advertising Federation are all great groups to join for networking and learning while you are getting your degree at Texas Wesleyan.