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Southwest Psychological Association annual conference in Houston

04.25.2018 | By:
Photo of a group of Texas Wesleyan students at Psychology conference in Houston

Drs. Matthew Hand and Jay Brown and their students presented eight different research projects between them at the Southwest Psychological Association’s annual conference in Houston. These projects involved a variety of topics including the use of virtual reality to improve memory and self-controlled decision-making.

The student copresenters included both current students (Brianna Jaramillo, Aminaa Munkhbayer, Raul Resendiz-Gonzalez, and Jennifer Van Kesteren) and students that have recently graduated (Khrista Doshier, Faviola Gonzalez, Kristin Mannino, Ashley Pell, and Annalaurel Tibbs). Both Raul Resendiz-Gonzalez and Annalaurel Tibbs were the primary presenters of research projects that they designed and completed as part of their Psychology Research Internships.