TXWES Spanish students meet civil rights icon Dolores Huerta

Students in Dr. Amy Bell’s SPN4369, SPN3326 and SPN2321 classes were privileged to attend a lecture by Dolores Huerta, who has long been renowned for her community organizing and civil rights activism on behalf of workers, immigrants and women. In 1962, Huerta and César Chávez cofounded the United Farm Workers Association, leading to significant improvements in the working and living conditions of countless migrant and field laborers. The 92-year-old Huerta, with her signature phrase "¡Sí, se puede!", continues to inspire people of all ages and ethnicities. For Rams Noelia Gaytán (Spanish major) and Laisha Gaytán (EC6 Bilingual Education major), sisters who attended Fort Worth's Dolores Huerta Elementary School, meeting the legendary activist was especially meaningful.