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The business administration track can set you up for success in all aspects of business. Check out some of the career paths that you can take after you graduate.

Get a job in finance and accounting

To be an accountant, you need an understanding of foreign exchange rates, inflation rates, contrasting tax systems and language. After graduation, you'll be ready to take on tasks in international business such as auditing, financial accounting and managerial accounting. You could land a job in any of the following positions.

Tax Accountant Auditor
Information Systems Financial Advisor
General Accountant Financial Analyst
Financial Planning Real Estate Broker
Investment Broker Actuary
Banking Officer  

Get a job in marketing and sales

With your general business track, you're ready to be a product manager, international advertiser and more. As a product manager, you could be overseeing product development, system distribution or price setting. As an advertiser, you'd be responsible for promoting programs and products to local markets and overseas.

Marketing Manager Advertising Manager
Distribution Manager Producer
Marketing Analyst Account Executive
Product Manager Graphic Designer

Become a manager

As a manager, you'll hire, train, compensate, motivate, evaluate and promote employees. In this position, you'll need to have an understanding of other cultures and businesses.

As a strategic planner, you'll help develop the company's long-term strategic plan and objectives.

General Manager Human Resources Manager
Office Systems Manager Operations Manager