Meet the new Thomas H. Law Scholarship recipient

For Lyndsey Bessinger, senior management major at Texas Wesleyan University and Rams varsity cheerleader, cheering is more than a sport, it’s her metaphor for life.
“I’m a back spot – I catch people when they fall,” Bessinger says.
She’s been a cheerleader in the traditional sense for going on 10 years, and now, as she begins looking ahead to graduation in the spring, it’s clear that whatever the future holds, cheering – and leading – will continue to be on her path to success.
“For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to help people,” Bessinger says.
Giving back
Bessinger believes that whatever energy and passion you give to the world, the world will give it back to you.
“If you put out positive energy, you’ll attract positive energy,” Bessinger says.
With that frame of mind, it’s no wonder she was selected by her professors as the 2016 recipient of the Thomas H. Law Scholarship, which is awarded annually to a high-achieving business student, in conjunction with the Business Hall of Fame.
“Lyndsey is smart, engaged and gives 100 percent. Her passion is truly contagious,” Sarah Roche, assistant professor of marketing, said. “She’s a pleasure to have in class.”
Catalyst for a growing student life
In Bessinger’s three years at Texas Wesleyan, she has seen a lot of positive growth and change in student life – an area she has been committed to supporting through student government, working in the Office of Student Life, as a resident assistant in West Village and as a new student orientation leader.
“It’s a great time to be at Texas Wesleyan. I wish I had four more years,” she says. “I’ve put a lot of energy into this school and the school has given a lot to me.”
Bessinger is committed to getting the most out of her college education. She says being at a small school maximizes her opportunity for success, part of the reason she chose Texas Wesleyan.
“The professors here really care,” she says. “I’ve grown at Wesleyan. I’ve learned to be comfortable in my own skin.”
Dennis Hall, dean of students, says Bessinger has been a cheerleader for the office.
“We’ll miss seeing her on campus every day after she graduates, but we know she’ll be back,” Hall said. “Lyndsey has given so much to Texas Wesleyan through cheerleading, student life, the residence halls and her energetic spirit. I see this scholarship as a way Wesleyan can give back to her.”
Graduating debt-free
Bessinger, who has seven brothers and sisters, says that without the scholarship she isn’t quite sure how she would pay for her senior year. Her goal is to graduate debt-free. There are only so many hours in the day – between classes, studying, cheerleading practice and two on-campus jobs – she says this scholarship lets her “breathe.”
As for what the awe-inspiring management major will do after graduation, only the future knows.
“My mom always told me that I can be whatever I want to be,” Bessinger says.
Business Hall of Fame
The Business Hall of Fame is a partnership between Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth Business Press and the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce. The event annually recognizes the Business Executive of the Year, an individual who has made a profound impact on the business world and promotes business as a challenging and dynamic profession. This year, for the first time in the history of the award, two recipients have been named in the same year – Martha Williams and Joan Trew.