SOHP celebrates the graduation of the first DNP-FNP cohort

The students of the first Doctor of Nursing Practice-Family Nurse Practitioner graduating cohort, admitted spring 2018, were on campus Nov. 4-5 to present their completed DNP scholarly projects to the faculty. The School of Health Professions hosted an open house poster presentation in the Nick & Lou Martin University Center Ballroom to showcase their completed projects.
These students will officially graduate on Dec. 12 and will be eligible to take the national certification exam for family nurse practitioner and the national certification exam for nurse coaching. These students have completed more than 1,000 clinical hours in primary care, setting them up for success. Many students are already entertaining job offers.
The faculty wishes to recognize and congratulate the following students formally:
- Dr. Melissa Berg
- Dr. Anne Lauren Daniel
- Dr. Britney De La Rosa
- Dr. Richard Ornberg
- Dr. Southakon Phandanouvong