Suescun HW, Austin PN, Gabaldon, DA. Non-pharmacologic neuraxial interventions for postdural puncture headache prophylaxis in the obstetrical patient. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal. In press.
Nemec D, Austin PN, Silvestro LS. Methods to improve success with the GlideScope videolaryngoscope. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal. In press.
Smith A, Dieckmann LS, Rodriguez RE, Austin PN. Evidence-based selection of sedation agents for patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Gastroenterology Nursing. In press.
Phillips-Reed LD, Austin PN, Rodriguez RE. Pediatric tonsillectomy and ketorolac. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. In press.
Fredrickson TW, Gordon DB, De Pinto M, Kral LA, Furnish T, Gupta R, Austin PN. Reducing adverse drug events related to opioids: Implementation Guide. The Society for Hospital Medicine. The Center for Hospital Innovation and Improvement. 2015.
Reid J, Austin PN, Rodriguez RE. The laryngeal mask: Is it safe for pediatric adenotonsillectomy? Anesthesia eJournal. 2015. Vol 3, issue 1.
Austin PN. The information age and hot air (editorial). American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal. 2015. 83:237-239.
Kalil DM, Dieckmann LS, Austin PN. A novel preoperative pharmacologic methods of preventing postoperative sore throat due to tracheal intubation. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Journal. 2014. 82(3):188-197.
Whitacre WC, Dieckmann LS, Austin PN. An update: Use of laryngeal mask airway devices in patients in the prone position. AANA J. 2014. 82(2):101-107.
Kellam MD, Dieckmann, LS, Austin PN. Another perspective on forced-air warming and the risk of surgical site infection. Author response. (Letter) AORN J. 2014. 99(30):351-352.
Austin PN. Force-air warming design. (Letter) AANA J. 2014. 82(1):7-8.
Burgert JM, Austin PN, Johnson, A. An evidence-based review of epinephrine administered via the intraosseous route in animal models of cardiac arrest. Military Medicine. 2014. 179(1):99-104.
Fletcher HR, Milhoan LH, Evans K, Austin PN. Patients with aortic stenosis: who should undergo noncardiac surgery in a rural hospital? Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. 2013. 28(6):368-376.
Gegel BT, Austin PN, Johnson A. An evidence-based review of the use of QuikClot combat gauze for hemorrhage control. AANA J. 2013. 81(6):453-458.
Kellam MD, Dieckmann LS, Austin PN. Forced air warming devices and the risk of surgical site infections. AORN J.2013. 98(4):353-369.
Roberson MC, Dieckmann LS, Rodriguez RE, Austin PN. A review of the evidence for active preoperative warming of adults undergoing general anesthesia. AANA J. 2013. 81(5):351-356.
Ortega KH, Burns SM, Hussey LC, Schmidt J, Austin PN. Predicting success in nurse anesthesia programs: an evidence-based review of admission criteria. AANA J. 2013 Jun;81(3):183-9.
Sanford CL 2nd, Rodriguez RE, Schmidt J, Austin PN. Evidence for using air or fluid when identifying the epidural space. AANA J. 2013 Feb;81(1):23-8.
Coursey JH, Rodriguez RE, Dieckmann LS, Austin PN. Successful implementation of policies addressing lateral violence. AORN J. 2013 Jan;97(1):101-9.
2011 Hurst VW 4th, Whittam SW, Austin PN, Branson, RD, Beck, G. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation during spaceflight: examining the role of timing devices. Aviat Space Environ Med. 82:810-813.
2008 Szpisjak DF, Javernick EN, Kyle RR, Austin PN. Oxygen consumption of a pneumatically controlled ventilator in a field anesthesia machine. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 107:1907-1911.
2007 Hurst V 4th, West S, Austin P, Branson R, Beck G. Comparison of ventilation and chest compression performance by bystanders using the Impact Model 730 ventilator and a conventional bag valve with mask in a model of adult cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitation. 73:123-130.
2007 Aponte H, Acosta S, Sylvia B, Rigamonti D, Austin P, Samolitis T. The use of ultrasound for placement of intravenous catheters. AANA J. 75:212-216.
2007 Salas N, Wisor B, Agazio J, Branson R, Austin PN. Comparison of ventilation and cardiac compressions when utilizing the Impact Model 730 Automatic Transport Ventilator versus a conventional bag valve with a facemask in a model of adult cardiopulmonary arrest. Resuscitation. 74:94-101.
2007 Stevenson MA, Scholes RB, Dremsa TL, Austin PN. Readiness estimate and deployability index for Air Force nurse anesthetists. Military Medicine. 172:36-39.