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5th-Year M.Ed. Lunch n' Learn

Carol Johnson-Gerendas
Sep 10, 2015 12:10 PM - Sep 10, 2015 1:00 PM
Ed and Rae Schollmaier Science and Technology Center

Considering a Masters in Education? Join us for lunch at the 5th-Year Lunch n' Learn and hear about your options.

  • Where: STC Room 116
  • When: 12:10-1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10

Texas Wesleyan University offers the 5th year program to EC-6, secondary certification or liberal studies students who want to earn their Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree (M.Ed.) at the same time.

It is highly encouraged that junior and senior level students attend this luncheon. This program has two deadlines each year, so it’s very important to get ahead with the 5th-year program if you are considering it.

If you are graduating May 2016 and want to start the program this Spring, your deadline is coming up in October.

There are many questions about the program. How does it work? When should I apply? How do I apply? We will be answering all of these and more at this luncheon and hope you will join us.

Please RSVP for this event by contacting the Graduate Admissions Office at 817-531-4930 or
