Academic Excellence — $3,565,000
With technology advancing faster than ever, it's important to keep facilities on the cutting edge. Here's how we're investing in new facilities and upgrading what we have to meet the demands of the modern student.
Nurse Anesthesia Simulation Center
The newly-constructed Simulation Center in the Graduate Program of Nurse Anesthesia building involved the expansion of two simulation rooms into a full-scale Simulation Center, including three simulation labs and a centralized control room. Additionally, renovations to the student center and lounge were completed to help accommodate an increased number of students and provide an optimal learning and study environment.
McFadden Science Center
Funding will be used to reconfigure and expand the capacity of the existing single-use chemistry lab in the Ella C. McFadden Science Center to create three lab spaces — two for chemistry and one for computer-based work and general lab needs. Improvements to the science laboratories are necessary to help ease course scheduling across the science curriculum and improve the marketability of the science program. Additionally, modernized facilities will improve safety and energy efficiency.
Nicholas Martin Hall Enhancements
Audio and visual technology in Nicholas Martin Hall will be improved to allow for recording and steaming capabilities for both live and virtual events campus-wide. These upgrades will provide a high-quality venue for academic activities, student organizations, university activities and community groups to showcase their work.