Eunice & James L. West Library Director Elizabeth A.M. Howard was elected to the Texas Library Association’s executive board as its new academic representative-at-large. She took office at the end of the TLA 2021 Annual Conference on April 24.
She already has a few ideas for what the organization could accomplish in the upcoming year.
“I would like to see TLA discover what our libraries and staff need now that we are transitioning back to fully in-person work environments and events. I also want TLA to see how our experience in going through shutdowns and remote services has changed our libraries, discover what we learned from our experience and see what services or ideas developed that we will take with us to the future of our libraries,” Howard said in a TLA press release.
The TLA connects its more than 6,000 members from around the state through professional growth committees, networking and developing new services for their home libraries.
“Volunteering and engagement is crucial because the organization is only as good as its members. Without member involvement, the organization would be separated from the real needs of library workers and not know how to best help our professionals. Without our service, we would not have an association that truly represents Texas librarians.” Howard said.
Visit the Texas Library Association’s website to learn more.