Check out the updated Leadership Certification Program

Why spend thousands of dollars going to college? Why get involved? Why grow your career skills? In short: for you. You are in college for you. We believe that your college education is not complete without extracurriculars. Everything we do is based on our belief that colleges should provide extracurriculars that teach essential life and leadership skills. These skills are honed through informational workshops, applied through service, organization involvement and career prep, and examined in a Reflection Capstone.
Students are encouraged to develop various skills in the Leadership Certification Program at their own pace, going through the five (5) areas as needed. It is designed to be adaptable specifically to you and your schedule, learning pace and college education. Any completion whatsoever can be documented on the student’s Ramspace Co-curricular Transcript, a document listing the various extracurricular involvement and soft life skills the student possesses. This document can help better your career, showing employers not just education and work experience, but volunteer and life experience. Upon completion of the Reflection Capstone, as well as any two (2) areas, participants will receive a leadership chord to wear at graduation, signifying their personal and program achievement. Upon total completion of the course, participants will receive a certificate and an exclusive leadership pin to signify their above-and-beyond achievement.
Further details about the program can be found here. Ready to take the initiative and sign up? Email Barbara Barnhart, director for student activities and orientation.