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Dr. Cary Adkinson

Photo of Dr. Cary Adkinson, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice

Cary Adkinson

Associate Professor of Criminal Justice‌
Polytechnic United Methodist Church 220

Research Interests/Scholastic Profile

Dr. Adkinson’s primary research interests include criminal justice leadership and professionalism, comic books and crime, Neurocriminology, adult and juvenile justice reform, stress management and resiliency for criminal justice professionals and criminal justice and forensic pedagogy.

Courses taught at Texas Wesleyan

  • CRJ 1301 Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • CRJ 1316 Criminal and Forensic Procedure
  • CRJ 3312 Juvenile Delinquency
  • CRJ 3320 Victimology
  • CRJ 3396 Statistics for Social Scientists
  • CRJ 3397 Criminal Justice Quantitative Methods
  • CRJ 3399 Special Topics: Homicide
  • CRJ 3399 Special Topics: Books and Crime
  • CRJ 4320 Criminal Justice Research
  • CRJ 4324 Social Science Research Methods
  1. Vollum, S., & Adkinson, C. D. (2014). Portrayals of crime and justice in superhero mythos. In Crime and Media Studies: Diversity of Method, Medium, and Communication. Ed. Franklin T. Wilson.
  2. Adkinson, Cary D. (2013). Power and Responsibility: Media, Law Enforcement, and Criminal Justice Ideology in The Amazing Spider-Man. Scholar’s Press.
  3. Cho, Yeok-il, and Cary D. Adkinson. (2009). Service-oriented Policing Strategy Among Korean American Juveniles. Journal of Korean Public Police and Security Studies, 6(1), 87 - 104.
  4. DeValve, Michael, and Cary D. Adkinson. (2009).  Mindfulness as armor, compassion as weapon: Keeping the peace with mindfulness practices for police officers, in E. Ndura-Ouedraogo and R. Amster (eds) Building Cultures of Peace: Transdisciplinary Voices of Hope and Action. UK: Cambridge Scholars.
  5. Adkinson, Cary D. (2008). The Amazing Spider-Man and the evolution of the Comics Code: A case study in cultural criminology. Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 15(3), pp. 241 – 261.
  6. DeValve, Michael, and Cary D. Adkinson (2008). Mindfulness, compassion, and the police in America: An essay of hope. The Journal of Human Architecture, Thich Nhat Hanh Issue, 6(3), pp. 99 – 104.
  7. Adkinson, Cary D. (2008). Intelligence agencies and issues, in L. Kurtz (ed) The Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict (2nd Edition). Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
  8. Vollum, Scott, and Cary Adkinson. (2003). The portrayal of crime and justice in the comic book superhero mythos. The Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, 10(2), 96-108.
  9. Adkinson, Cary, and Laura Myers (2003). The “write” stuff: The importance of improving writing in criminal justice professions. ACJS Today 28(4).
  10. Adkinson, Cary and Laura Myers. (2003). Leading a horse to water: Using writing center resources to help criminal justice students understand the value of writing. University-wide Graduate Research Exchange. Research in Educational LeadershipElectronic Journal of the Center for Research and Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership, 3.
  11. Adkinson, Cary. (1999).  The importance of commitment to writing at the university level.  Sam Houston State University Across-the-University Writing Program Newsletter, (19), July 1999.
  12. Brewer, Victoria, Damphousse, Kelly R., and Cary Adkinson. (1998).  The role of juveniles in urban homicide:  The case of Houston, 1990-1994. Homicide Studies, 2(3), pp. 321-329.
  1. Presenter, “Who Is that Masked Man? Examining the Social Aspects of Comic Book, Worth Reading Program series, April 26th, 2015.
  2. Presenter and Moderator, “Between the Sheets: An Open Discussion of Sexual Safety at Texas Wesleyan University,” April 22nd, 2015.
  3. Moderator, “Sex Crimes Experts Panel,” April 23rd, 2015.
  4. Co-Organizer Speaker, “Journey to Justice: A Speakers’ Tour Featuring Death Row Survivor Juan Roberto Melendez-Colon and Former District Attorney Tim Cole,” Wednesday, October 1st, 2014
  5. Organizer, “Criminal Justice Professors Share Their Top 5 Tricks for a Safe Halloween,” posted October 24th, 2014, to The Wesleyan Flame
  6. Organizer, Financial Literacy Month, CRJ Society Presents: Protect Yourself From Identity Theft, Wednesday November 12th, 2014
  7. Paper Presenter, “Gnostic Criminology: Perception, Belief, and the Science of Peacemaking,” SSSA Southwestern Social Science Association Annual Meetings, April 17th, 2014.
  8. Workshop Presenter, “START Managing Stress: Serenity, Tranquility, And Resiliency Training,” February 25th, 2014.
  9. Workshop Presenter, “May the Force Be with You: Bringing Emotional Intelligence into the University Classroom,” CETL Summer Institute, May 20th, 2014.
  10. Adkinson, C. (Panelist), North Carolina Criminal Justice Association Annual Meeting, "Criminal Justice at Cross Creek:  A Case Study of Criminal Justice Education at a Model Early College Program." (February 18, 2012).
  11. Brown, R. (Panelist), Adkinson, C. (Moderator), Hunt, D. (Panelist), Rose, K. (Panelist), FSU Campus Event, "Balancing the Scales: Exploring the Impact of the NC Racial Justice Act," Department of Criminal Justice & Center for Community Justice and Service Learning, Seabrook Auditorium. (November 10, 2011).
  12. Adkinson, C. (Presenter & Author), Third National Conference on Restorative Justice, "Gnostic Criminology: Rational Mysticism and the Science of Peacemaking," Campbell University, Raleigh, North Carolina. (June 9, 2011).
  13. Adkinson, C., Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, "Criminal Justice at Cross Creek:  A Case Study of Criminal Justice Education at a Model Early College Program," San Diego, California. (February 28, 2010).
  14. Adkinson, C., Alpha Phi Sigma, "Criminal Justice Professionals as Superheroes," Alpha Phi Sigma, Institute for Community Justice and Service Learning. (October 2009).
  15. Adkinson, C., Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, "Insight Criminology: Exploring the Implications of Resonant Leadership in Law Enforcement," Boston, Massachusetts. (March 12, 2009).
  16. Adkinson, C., "Power and Responsibility:  Law Enforcement as Super Heroes," Keynote Speaker.  North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control Law Enforcement Officers Association Annual Conference. (June 2008).
  17. Adkinson, Cary D. (2008). “Insight Criminology and Medicine:  Exploring the Implications of Affective Neuroscience on the Caregiving Professions.”  Presented to the Nursing Department Staff and Faculty Bronco Pride Lecture Series on April 14th, 2008.
  18. Adkinson, Cary D. (2007). “The Sentinel of Liberty: Captain America as a Metaphor for Justice.” Presented at Fayetteville State University’s Blam! Comic Books as a Social MirrorComic Book Symposium, on November 14th, 2007.
  19. Presentation.  “Power and Responsibility:  Marvel’s Civil War as a Metaphor for Due Process” at Fayetteville State University’s Second Annual “Blam!” Comic Book Symposium, February 24th, 2007.
  20. Presentation.  “A Pedagogy of Peace:  Teaching as a Spiritual Journey” for St. Augustine's College’s Motivational Teaching Exchange, February 22nd, 2007.
  21. Presentation for North Carolina State University’s College of Education, “Teachers as Super Heroes” on December 4th, 2006.
  22. St. Augustine's College Brown Bag Presentation, “Quantum Criminology: A New Paradigm for the Study of Crime and Justice” on September 18th, 2006.
  23. Discussion Leader Faculty Development Week St. Augustine's College, “Teachers as Real Life Superheroes” on May 15th, 2006.
  24. Presentation, “Spider-Man: A Modern Mythology” at Fayetteville State University’s First Annual “Blam!” Comic Book Symposium, March 17th 2006.
  25. Presentation “Power and Responsibility: Comic Books, Superheroes, and Criminal Justice” at Fayetteville State University’s First Annual “Blam!” Comic Book Symposium, March 16th, 2006.
  26. Presentation, “Spider-Man: A Modern Mythology” at St. Augustine's College’s 6th Annual College-Wide Research Day, sponsored by Dr. Payne and Dr. Jones of the Division of Natural Sciences, Spring 2006.
  27. Discussion Leader Faculty Development Week St. Augustine’s College, “Eating an Elephant Piece by Piece,” on January 5th, 2006.
  28. St. Augustine's College Panel Participant, “What Does ‘Acting White’ Really Mean?: Racial Identity Formation and Academic Achievement Among Black Youth” on November 17th, 2005.
  29. St. Augustine's College Brown Bag Presentation, “Neurotheology:  Biology, Belief, and the Implications for Criminal Justice” on October 10th, 2005.
  30. Student Workshop.  “How to Pass Comprehensive Exams.”  Cary Adkinson, Deanna Diamond, and John F. Kennedy, April 21, 2003.
  31. Student Workshop.  “Surviving Your Thesis or Dissertation.”  Diane Dowdey and Cary Adkinson, February 26, 2003.
  32. South Central Writing Centers Association, University of Arkansas.  “Leading a Horse to Water:  Using Writing Center Resources to Help Criminal Justice Students Understand the Value of Good Writing Skills.”  Cary Adkinson, February 21, 2003.
  33. Student Workshop.  “How to Pass the TASP.”  Cary Adkinson.  September 4, 2002.
  34. Student Workshop. “Overcoming Statistics Anxiety.” Tammy Garland and Cary Adkinson, March 9, 2001.
  35. Student Workshop.  “Comma Chameleon: Proper Use of Commas and Punctuation According to APA Style.” Cary Adkinson and Tammy Garland, October 31, 2000.
  36. Student Workshop. “Surface Area, Volume.” Cary Adkinson and Susan Muehlebach, October 22, 2000.
  37. ASC 2000, San Francisco. “Ethics in Criminal Justice Academia: Meeting the Challenges of the New Millennium.” Cary Adkinson.
  38. Student Workshop. “Writing Research Papers.” Cary Adkinson, October 5, 2000.
  39. Student Workshop. “Read Right: Passing the Reading Portion of the TASP.”  Cary Adkinson and Jamie Smith, July 13, 2000.
  40. Student Workshop. “Getting Ready for the TASP: Writing Techniques.” Cary Adkinson and Rebecca Gates, June 7, 2000.
  41. Student/Faculty Workshop. “Get Published!” Cary Adkinson, November 9, 1999.
  42. Student/Faculty Workshop. “Get Published!” Cary Adkinson and Christie McWilliams, March 22, 1999.
  43. ASC 1999, Toronto. “Comic Books and the Law: The Portrayal of Crime and Criminal Justice in American Super Hero Comic Books.”
  44. Homicide Research Working Group, Shepardstown, West Virginia, 1997. Brewer, V., Damphousse, K., and Adkinson, C. “Gangs, Race, and Drugs: Houston Homicide in the 1990s.”