- Voices Writ in Sand: Dramatic Monologues and Other Poems. Beaumont, TX: Lamar University Press, 2012. Print.
- Days of a Chameleon: Collected Poems. Fort Worth: Texas Wesleyan University Press, 1997. Print.
- Voices at the Door, Southwest Poets Series. Eagle Pas, TX: The Maverick Press, 1995. Print.
Selected national and regional conferences from 2017 back to 2014 only:
- “Writing the Historical Novel,” Fort Worth Woman’s Club, February, 2016.
- “A Selection of Poems” (poetry reading), Conference of the Texas College EnglishAssociation, March, 2016; San Antonio, TX.
- “Writing Creative Nonfiction” (reading), Conference of College Teachers of English,March, 2016; San Antonio, TX.
- “The Wife” (fiction reading), the Annual Conference of the College English Association,March/April, 2016; Denver, CO.
- “Writing the Historical Novel,” University College Day, Texas Wesleyan University,April, 2016.
- “Dramatic Monologues” (presentation/reading), Annual Luncheon, Fort Worth PoetrySociety, June, 2016.
- “Making the Bow” (fiction reading), Langdon Weekend and Review of the Arts in Texas,September, 2016; Granbury, TX.
- Poetry Reading, Local Writers Day, West Library, Texas Wesleyan University, October,2016.
- “A Selection of Poems” (poetry reading), Conference of the Texas College EnglishAssociation, March, 2015; League City, TX.
- “A Two Hawks Story” (fiction reading), Conference of College Teachers of English, March, 2015; League City, TX.
- “Following the Water” (fiction reading), the Annual Conference of the College EnglishAssociation, March/April, 2015; Indianapolis, IN.
- “Finding a Wife” (fiction reading), Langdon Weekend and Review of the Arts in Texas,September 2015; Granbury, TX.
- “Horses in Poetry” (invited poetry reading and presentation), PSY 2399, Special Topics:Equine Therapy and Mental Health, Texas Wesleyan University, September, 2015.
- “Not Your Grandmother’s Poetry” (poetry reading), Mitchell-Reed Community ofLearners, Texas Wesleyan University, October, 2015.
- “A Two Hawks Mystery” (fiction reading), 11th Native American Symposium, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK, November, 2015.
- “Why Teach Creative Writing?” (presentation), Lamar University Press Literary Festival, Beaumont, TX, November, 2014.
- “Introducing Creative Writing into Other Courses” (presentation), Lamar University PressLiterary Festival, Beaumont, TX, November, 2014.
- “Following the Water” (fiction reading), Langdon Review of the Arts in Texas, Granbury,
- September, 2014.
- “Selected Poetry” (reading), Wildcatters Exchange Arts Festival, Fort Worth, TX, April,2014.
- “Selected Essays” (creative nonfiction reading), the Annual Conference of the CollegeEnglish Association, Baltimore, MD, March, 2014.
- “Selected Poetry” (reading), Conference of College Teachers of English, Lubbock, TX,March, 2014.
- “Texas Innocents Abroad…er, Aboard” (creative nonfiction reading), Conference of theTexas College English Association, Lubbock, TX, March, 2014.
Publications from previous five years only:
- “A Trinity Flood, Fort Worth, Texas, July, 1876” (poem). Texas Weather: An Anthology of Poetry,Short Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction. Beaumont, TX: Lamar University Press, 2016. Print.
- “Birds of the Storm God” (fiction). Texas Weather: An Anthology of Poetry, Short Fiction, andCreative Nonfiction.
- “Yellow Jackets” (poem). Voices de la Luna: A Quarterly Poetry and Arts Magazine 8:4(August 2016), 25. Print.
- “Rapture at the EZ Pawn, East Rosedale” (poem). Cattlemen & Cadillac: Poets of theDallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Dallas: Dallas Poets Community Press, 2016.Print.
- “Birds of the Storm God” (fiction). Texas Weather: An Anthology of Poetry, ShortFiction, and Nonfiction. Beaumont, TX: Lamar University Literary Press, 2016.Print.
- “A Trinity Flood, Fort Worth, Texas, May, 1876” (poem). Texas Weather: An Anthology.
- “Oh, Sunflower, for Kate” (poem). Kate’s Library. Fort Worth: Nu Zeta Chapter, SigmaTau Delta, 2016. Print.
- “Following the Water” (short fiction). Concho River Review: Literature from Texas andBeyond 29:2 (Fall 2015): 5-13. Print.
- “The Sheep Docking, Government Canyon, Wyoming, July, 2013” (poem). ThirdWednesday: A Poetry Journal 8:3 (Spring 2015): 67-68. Print.
- “Rapture at the EZ Pawn, East Rosedale” (poem). Wilderness House Literary Review 10:1 (Spring 2015).
- “Another Day, Morning, East Fort Worth” (poem). Wilderness House Literary Review10:1 (Spring 2015).
- “City Pigeons, On the Wires, January, Fort Worth” (poem) Wilderness House Literary Review 10:1 (Spring 2015).
- “Little Man, Ron Martin’s Marina, Clewiston, Florida” (poem). CCTE Studies 69(October 2014): 74-75. Print.
- “Lines Begun a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, On Visiting the Banks of the WyeDuring a Tour, August 4, 1998” (poem). CCTE Studies 69: 76. Print.
- “William Blake’s Marker, Bunhill Fields Burial Ground, July 25, 2004” (poem)CCTE Studies 69: 77. Print.
- “At the Zoo, Fort Worth” (poem). CCTE Studies 69: 78. Print.
- “Three Grackles, Texas Wesleyan University, Late Spring” (poem). CCTE Studies 69:79. Print.
- “Missed, Finally, Los Angeles, February 16, 2011” (poem). CCTE Studies 69: 80.Print.
- “Babyland, Rosehill Cemetery” (poem). Red River Review 50 (Winter 2014).
- “Glenn Hardaway, Again” (creative nonfiction). Windhover: A Journal of ChristianLiterature 18 (Spring 2014): 55-58. Print.
- “Two Hawks Kindles a Morning Fire, Natchitoches Confederacy, ca. 1810,” and “AKarankawa, Near Garcitas Creek, Matagorda Bay, October, 1684, (poems).
- “Where No One Else Has Gone Before”: Proceedings of the Ninth NativeAmerican Symposium. Durant: Southeastern Oklahoma State U.P., 2013. Print.
- “Finding One Thing in Another: A Review of Ann Whitehouse’s The Refrain.” GentlyRead Literature, Reviews and Essays. Spring, 2013.
- “Cardinals, Sandy Lane, Fort Worth, Texas,” (poem). Texas Poetry Calendar 2014.Austin, Dos Gatos Press, 2013. Print.
- “A Gutting on the Camino Real,” (short fiction). Concho River Review 27:1 (Spring2013): 7-13. Print.
- “An Appearance of…Noctiluca,” (creative nonfiction). The Chattahoochee Review 33:1(Spring 2013): 132-125. Print.
- Voices Writ in Sand: Dramatic Monologues and Other Poems. Beaumont, TX:Lamar University Press, 2012. Print.
- “Poems of Jeffrey DeLotto,” 8 Voices: Contemporary Poetry from the AmericanSouthwest, ed. Daniel Williams. Fort Worth, TX: Baskerville Publishing,2012. Print.
- “Estelle Turner, Age 94, Cooper Villa Retirement Village, Arlington, Texas,”(poem). Red River Review. November, 2012.
- “Gary, 6:00 p.m., Richland Hills, Texas”(poem). The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly.November 12-18, 2012.
- “Eleven Weeks Along”(poem). Cradle Songs: An Anthology of Poems ofMotherhood. Los Angeles: Quill and Parchment Press, 2012. Print.
- “A Karankawa, Near Garcitas Creek, Matagorda Bay, October, 1684”(poem).Proceedings of the Ninth Native American Symposium. Durant:Southeast Oklahoma State University Press, 2012. Print.
- “Two Hawks Kindles a Morning Fire, Natchitoches Confederacy, ca. 1810”(poem).Proceedings of the Ninth Native American Symposium.
- “Shooting Straight about Paragraphs: They Are Not What We Say They Are,”(composition studies). CEA Forum (Winter/Spring 2011): 78-88.