Publications since 2010
- “Art and Semiotics: A Personal Transcendent Journey” presented at Conference College Teachers of English in March 2015. Selected for “The Randall Popken Rhetoric Award; published in the CCTE Journal, October 2015.
- Review of The Glass Castle. Published by Texas Wesleyan University School of Education, Fall 2015.
- “A Journey to “The River” for Truth: O’Connor’s Child as Prophet,” Presented at Conference of College Teachers of English, March, 2011. Selected for The American Literature Award; publication in the CCTE Journal, October, 2011.
- “Test of Faith,” original short story, published in New Texas: A Journal of Literature and Culture, Spring edition 2010.
Selected national and regional presentations since 2008 only
- “Art and Semiotics: A Personal Transcendent Journey” presented at Conference College Teachers of English in March 2015. Selected for “The Randall Popken Rhetoric Award; published in the CCTE Journal, October 2015.
- Review of The Glass Castle. Published by Texas Wesleyan University School of Education, Fall 2015.
- “A Journey to “The River” for Truth: O’Connor’s Child as Prophet,” Presented at Conference of College Teachers of English, March, 2011. Selected for The American Literature Award; publication in the CCTE Journal, October, 2011.
- “Truth in Transit: A Rhetorical Analysis of Walker Percy’s Novel The Thanatos Syndrome presented at College English Association Conference in St. Petersburg, FL, April, 2011.
- “It was the Best of Times: it was the Worst of Times: What the Dickens am I Doing in Cyberspace?” Presented at Texas Conference English Association, March 2010.
- “Henry: Crane’s Flightless Bird.” Presented at Conference of College Teachers of English, March, 2010
- “Sounds of Silence: A Rhetorical Examination of Walker Percy’s Lancelot.” Presented at CEA in March, 2010.
- "Aiming for Audience in Grant Research and Web Site Design: Writing with, about, and for Others." PANEL TITLE: When the Subject is Human: Writing the Realities of Human Participant Research at Conference on College Composition and Communication in New Orleans, April 2008.