Akinro, N. (2022). Music and Politics in Nigeria: A Critical Approach. Presented at Western Social Science Association Conference, Denver, CO..
Akinro, N. (2022). From VHS to a Global Audience: Analysis of Streaming Media and the Nollywood Reproduction Experience. BEA Conference.
Akinro, N. (2021). The Dynamics of Music and Political Discourse in Nigeria: A Critical Approach. Accepted for presentation at NAAAS.
Akinro, N. & Dean, J. (2021). Exploring femininity in the sounds of resilience: Women and music from the 19th-21st century. A paper presented at the AEJMC Midwinter conference.
Akinro, N. (2020). Fake news and media credibility: A consideration of media professionals’ perceptions.Accepted for presentation at the AEJMCMidWinterConference, Norman, OK.
Akinro, N,GheniP., & Fears, L. (June 11th,2020).Race, academia and the struggles of blackjournalists. College Broadcasters Inc. (CBI).Accessibleat;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q-DOyYq4pg&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3yZkeUuQpiVTv_0Ql50QwY0XKxrAuBXShgH1pcYgeEy0ysgq8xUPHKA0w
Akinro, N. (2020). Leading through traumaand uncertainty. CMA Virtual Student MediaBootCamp.
Griffin, K, Akinro, N.& (2020).Taking Care: Protecting your staff and yourself from emotional trauma during turbulent times. ACP/CMA Fall National College Media Convention.
Akinro, N. (2019). Political Confrontation and Aggrandizement: Visualizing Corruption through Music. NAAAS Conference.
Akinro, N. & Treylen Hunter (2019). Reinforcing official discourse or providing a platform for the expression of multiple voices? Analysis of news sources across national and International frontiers on the Boko Haram crisis. AEJMC Mid-winter.
Boko Haram and the War against Terrorism: Assessing Frame Salience and Frame Expansion. A paper submission accepted for presentation at the 42nd AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, Fort Worth TX
Reinforcing official discourse or providing a platform for the expression of multiple voices> Analysis of news sources across national and International frontiers on the Boko Haram Crisis. A paper submission accepted for presentation at the ARJMC Mid-winter conference, Norman, OK
The war on Terrorism and the Justification for Terrorism: Objectively, Bias, and the Representation of Actors in the Boko Haram Crisis Coverage in Nigeria. A paper accepted for presentation at the Southwest Education Council for Journalism and Mass Communication (SWECJMC) conference, November 4-5th, West Memphis, AR
Terrorism and social exclusion: A visual analysis of the Boko Haram crisis coverage in Nigeria. A paper accepted for presentation at the Global Fusion conference, College Station, Texas
Black is not Beautiful: Resilient messages in African women’s magazines in the face of development and globalization. A paper accepted for presentation at the Global Fusion conference, College Station, Texas
Visuals and Mass-Mediated Peace: Analysis of War and Peace Journalism Frames of the Boko Haram Crisis Coverage in NIigeria. A paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Puerto Rico
Occupy Nigeria Protest: Analyzing Change Fames on Social Network Sites. A presentation at Global Fusion Conference, October 24th to 26th, Austin TX
A comparative analysis of the Boko Haram crisis in Northern Nigeria: The peace journalism model. A presentation at the Global Fusion Conference, Austin, TX, October 24th to 26th
Covering a Multi-Action Conflict as it develops: An Examination of the Dynamic Framing of the Jos Crisis in Three Nigerian Newspapers. Paper presented at the Association for the Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference, Montreal, Canada.
Human Rights, Facebook, and the “Politics of Immediation” in the Rohingya Crisis of Burman/Myanmar. A Global Media Research Center presentation.
Towards Peace Journalism and a Global Phenomenon: Visual analysis of The Guardian’s Coverage of Boko Haram Attacks in Nigeria. A paper presented at the Global Fusion Conference, Carbondale IL.
Traumatized victims, corpses, and mutilated bodies: Human rights and the “politics of immediation” in the Rohingya crisis of Burman/Myanmar. Cultural Studies Association.
Savage, Victim, Savior: Human Rights and Visual Culture in the Rohingya Crisis of Burma/Myanmar. The Social Practice of Human Rights: Charting the Frontiers of Research and Advocacy conference, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, October 3-5, 2014
Towards Peace Journalism and a Global Phenomenon: Visual Analysis of The Guardian’s Coverage of Boko Haram Attacks in Nigeria. A paper presented at the Global Fusion conference, Carbondale IL
Gender Discourse and Emotional Appeal in the New York Times and Facebook: The Rohingya Situation in Burman/Myanmar. A paper presented at the Global Fusion Conference
Picturing the Jos Crisis in three leading newspapers in Nigeria: A visual framing perspective. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication annual convention, Washington, DC, August 17-21
Framing the Jos Crisis in Nigeria: A comparative anaylsis of the Punch, the Guardian and Thisday. Paper presented at the International Communication Association annual conference, London, UK, June 17-21
More than socializing on the web: A case study of KFIN 107.9 FM’s use of the social media. Presented at the 54th Annual Western Social Science Association Conference, Houston, TX
Use-Dependency model: A survey of Internet use for academic purposes by undergraduate students in Nigeria. Presented at the Western Social Science Association Conference, 2011 at Salt Lake, Utah.
Media Imperialism in Nigeria: Perceptions of satellite and local television use. Presented at the Western Social Science Association Conference 2011, Salt Lake, Utah
Akinro, N. & Dean, J. (In review). (Re)Defining Femininity in the Sounds of Resilience: Exploring Political Messages across Musical Genres from 19th-21st Century. Political Messaging in Music and Entertainment Spaces across the Globe. IGI Global.
Akinro, N. (2021). Reinforcing War Frames: Sources and Tones in the Boko Haram Crisis Coverage in Nigeria. International Communication Research Journal. Vol. 56 (1).
Akinro, N. (Fall, 2019). Navigating Academia Away from Home: Exploring the Challenges of African-born Academics. A book chapter in Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas.
Akinro, N. (2019). Covering the Boko Haram crisis beyond the nation: Analysis of shifting time and space frames in news reporting. International Communication Gazette, 1748048519828592.
Akinro, N., Nwachukwu, E., & Duru, A. (2019). Corruption Sings Loudest: Music, Political Confrontation and Aggrandizement. In U. Onyebadi (ed.) Music and Messaging in the African Political arena. ISBN13: 9781522572954
Akinro, N., & Mbunyuza-Memani, L. (2019). Black is not beautiful: Persistent messages and the globalization of “white” beauty in African women’s magazines. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1-17.
Dynamic nature, Dynamic framing: Coverage of the Jos crisis in three influential Nigerian newspapers. Newspaper Research Journal
Traumatized victims and mutilated bodies: Human rights and the "politics of immediation" in the Rohingya crisis of Burman/Myanmar. International Communication Gazette, 77(8)
Framing the Jos Crisis in Nigeria: A comparative Analysis of the Punch, the Guardian and Thisday. International Communication Research Journal, 49(1-2),2-20
Picturing the Jos Crisis in Three Leading Newspapers in Nigeria: A Visual Framing Perspective. Visual Communication Quarterly 20(4), 196-204. DOI 10.1080/15551393.2013.852444.