- "Spiritual Diversity and Mindfulness: A Pathway to Inclusion on a University Campus,” in Intersections: Faith(s), Church, and the Academy, edited by Mark E. Hanshaw and Timothy Moore (Nashville: Board of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church, 2018)
- "Understanding Generation Z and the Implications for Christian Education, Part II" Christians Engaged in Faith Formation, Online. October 5, 2016.
- "Understanding Generation Z and the Implications for Christian Education, Part I" Christians Engaged in Faith Formation, Online. September 20, 2016.
- "Become a Teaching Rockstar: Simple Techniques to Motivate and Engage Students." Scholarly Teacher, Online. June 14, 2016.
- "Simple Ways to Teach Critical Thinking." Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning. February 23, 2018. Anaheim, CA.
- Guest speaker, "Personal Spiritual Growth" and "Growing a Family of Faith" at the Nourish Retreat. January 19-20, 2018. Glen Rose, TX.
- Plenary Speaker, “Understanding Generation Z” at Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching and Learning. January 5, 2017. Austin, TX.
- Led a six-session series of professional development for Bethesda Christian School elementary teachers. Sept. 2016 - Feb. 2017. Ft. Worth, TX.
- "Building Faith as a Family". Children's Ministry Greenhouse: Nourish Your Calling: Grow the Children of God. April 29, 2016. Plano, TX.
- Key Note Speaker at the LifePoint UMC Women's Retreat. April 8-9, 2016. Glen Lake Camp, Glen Rose, TX.
- Key Note Speaker at the Perkins School of Theology Certification Class for Christian Education. January, 2016. Dallas, TX.