In order to get your degree, you have to pass your comprehensive exam. We have everything you need to know about the exam, how to register and more. Start preparing for your exam today.
What are the requirements?
You're eligible to sit for the Comprehensive Examination once you start your practicum course. You're allowed to take the test a maximum of three times to pass. You must pass to be awarded your degree in counseling.
You're charged additional fees for your practicum courses that allow you to attend the professional counseling and marriage and family therapy exam prep courses as many times as you want.
How do I register?
The exams are usually held in either the Nenetta Burton Carter Building or the Schollmaier Science & Technology Center. We'll let you know exactly where once your test date gets closer.
To register, submit your exam form to the coordinator for graduate counseling programs by the registration deadline. Only completed forms will be accepted.
Mark the deadline on your calendar, because late forms can push your expected graduation date back. Seats are limited after the deadline passes. If you turn in your application late, we'll notify you by email on a first-come-first-served basis there is a seat for you.
How much will it cost?
As a marriage and family therapy student, your comprehensive exam will cost $60. You can pay your fee at your computer on the day of the exam using a debit or credit card. There is no cash or check option for this test.
Keep in mind the price is subject to change by the testing body that governs the exam. We'll notify you if the price changes for any reason.