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Academic Integrity

Academic freedom is the cornerstone of a university education. It allows students to examine, learn and synthesize various topics. Freedom is predicated on integrity, trust and honesty.

All undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff are expected to show integrity in their academic work, including discussion, written submissions, examinations and laboratory work. Failure to conduct academic work honestly is a serious breach of trust and is considered a serious offense.

Consequences of Academic Misconduct

What the instructor should do when academic misconduct is suspected: 

  1. Have a preliminary meeting with the student to present any evidence of academic misconduct within one week of discovery of the alleged incident to determine if a violation has occurred
  2. If a violation of the academic integrity policy is determined, issue the appropriate sanction (detailed in the Sanctions section)
  3. If a sanction is imposed, complete the Report Form for Allegations of Academic Dishonesty (available in the dean’s office) within one week of the sanction determination. The instructor submits a copy to the student, the dean of the school and the Dean of Students

What the student should do when accused of academic misconduct: 

  1. Attend the preliminary meeting with the instructor. Failure to attend this meeting is considered an additional violation
  2. Remain calm and listen to the evidence of academic misconduct being presented
  3. Present student’s point of view
  4. If the instructor imposes sanctions, obtain a copy of the Report Form for Allegations of Academic Dishonesty from the instructor
  5. If sanctions are imposed and if the student disagrees with the alleged misconduct and/or the sanctions, the student may file a written appeal. A copy must be submitted to the instructor, the dean of the school, and the Dean of Students within one week of receiving the Report form for Allegations of Academic Dishonesty from the instructor

Attend hearings and/or appeals as required by this policy. Unless requested by the instructor or student, there are no official hearings for first-time offenses.

Official Hearings & Appeals

The University Hearing Board hears appealed cases as well as repeat, multiple, and severe allegations. The instructor or student can also request an official hearing for a first-time academic integrity violation. A copy of the procedures for academic integrity hearings may be obtained from the Office of the Provost or the University website. Judicial boards will strive to complete proceedings within 10 days of receipt of the report of violation.  

Any appeal of decisions of the University Judicial Board is made to the Provost. The student must submit a written appeal with an explanation to the Provost, the instructor, the dean of the school, and the Dean of Students within 7 days of the University Judicial Board’s decision. The Provost’s decision is final. 

No grade penalty can be assigned by the instructor until the case and all appeals are resolved. If the charges cannot be resolved prior to the end of the semester, the instructor will assign the grade of “I” (Incomplete) until the case is resolved.


Sanctions for academic misconduct are intended to educate the student, change inappropriate behaviors, and assure that the severity of the sanctions fit the misconduct.

Sanctions for academic misconduct may include one or a combination of the following, at the instructor’s discretion: 

  1. An oral reprimand
  2. A written reprimand
  3. An additional assignment to replace the work
  4. No credit is given for the work
  5. Lower or failing grade for the particular assignment, exam, or course
  6. Removal of student from the course in progress

Sanctions that may be given by the University Judicial Board and Provost include all of the above, plus the following: 

  1. Removal of student from the program, major, school, or University
  2. Withdrawal of the degree or academic credit bestowed
  3. Disciplinary probation (with the length of time and conditions of return specified)