Academic Distinction is focus of next 2020 Town Hall Meeting Nov. 15

Join President Frederick G. Slabach and the Office of the Provost as they host the next 2020 Town Hall Meeting at 12:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 15, in the Baker Building.
Attendees will receive popcorn (while supplies last) while viewing the latest Faculty Pop-In video featuring professors who have been awarded the Engaging Educator Award.
Following the video presentation, the Office of the Provost will update faculty and staff on progress made toward the University’s Academic Distinction goal.
President Slabach will announce the recipient of the next Staff Hero Award and answer questions from the Idea Box.
2020 Town Hall Meetings address specific goals of the strategic plan, and include a question-and-answer session with President Slabach.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit their ideas, comments and questions to the Idea Box online or to the physical box located on the second floor of the Oneal-Sells Administration Building (near the main entrance). Ideas will be read anonymously (if desired) and addressed during the meeting.
2020 Town Hall Meetings
All 2020 Town Hall Meetings are scheduled during free period and will take place in the Baker Building.