- Garza, E. & Wu, H. (2016). English Literacy Development Through a Tutoring Approach. Literacy Summit. University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Tx, February 2016.
- Garza, E., & Vasquez, L., (2016). Biliteracy Is the Key: Reinventing the Possibilities and Opportunities in Science Related Fields. Rio Grande Valley Texas Association for Bilingual Education-22nd Annual Bilingual Education Conference. January 2016.
- Garza, E. & Anderson, M. (2015). Translanguaging in the science classroom. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. El Paso, Tx. October 2015.
- Hernández, A. & Garza, E. (2015). Using meta-cognitive strategies to pass the BTLPT: Organize, manage, and monitor your progress successfully. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. El Paso, Tx. October 2015.
- Wu, H. & Garza, E. (2015). Native and non-native bilingual/ESL pre-service teacher identity development. Tex FLEC-The University of Texas at San Antonio. San Antonio, Tx. February 2015.
- Wu, H. & Garza, E. (2014). Empowering non-native English language teachers in ESL/EFL contexts. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. San Antonio, Tx. October 2014.
- Wu, H. & Garza, E. (2014). Empowering non-native English language teachers in ESL/EFL contexts. San Antonio Area Association for Bilingual Education. San Antonio, Tx. May 2014.
- Morales, J, Garcia, S. & Garza, E. (2014) Parental Involvement Factors That Impact School Readiness Among Pre-School Age Children of Farm Workers. The MAFO National Farmworker Conference. McAllen, Texas. March 2014
- Wu, H. & Garza, E. (2013). Error Analysis on 6th grade Second Language Learners’ Writing. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. Houston, Texas. October 2013.
- Garza, E., Dorel, T. & Gonzales, P. (2013). Models for Success in Teacher Preparation: Comparative Study on Teacher Efficacy via Two Pathways – “Traditional Flex” and
- “Cohort Model” of Field Residency. San Antonio, Texas. October 2013. Garza, E. & Hernandez, A. (2013). Establishing Effective Biliteracy Practices in the EL Classroom. Academy for Teacher Excellence Summer Bridging Institute. San Antonio, Texas. July 2013.
- Garza, E. & Garza, R. (2013). Si Se Puede! Inspiring Young Latinos to Enroll in Higher Education. The National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD). Austin, Texas. May 2013.
- Flores, B., Claeys, L. & Garza, E. (2013). Creating a Bilingual eCommunity of Practice Session. National Association for Bilingual Education. Orlando, Florida. February 2013.
- Garza, E. (2013). Exploring New Learning and Pathways through Dual Language Education. The 29th Teach Tomorrow Summit for the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE).
- San Antonio, Texas. February 2013. Garza, E & Piña, M. (2012). BESO Institute Conference Presenter/Facilitator. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. San Antonio, Texas. October 2012.
- Garza, E. (2012). STEMsation V: Creating a Bilingual eCommunity of Practice Session. Texas Association for Bilingual Education. San Antonio, Texas. October 2012.
- Garza, E. (2012). Building Academic Discourse in Spanish in the Content Area of Science. STELLAR Institute. San Marcos, Texas. July 2012.
- Garza, E. (2012). Building Academic Language in the Science Classroom: Encouraging Discourse through the Alignment of Content Standards and the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) in the 5E Model. National Association for Bilingual Education. McAllen, Texas. February 2012.
- Guzman, N. & Garza, E. (2012). Exploring Bilingual Education Experiences through FamilyHistories. National Association for Bilingual Education. Dallas, Texas. February 2012.
- 2015 Article: "An Investigation into Instructor Implementation of Alternative Course Offerings in Education Departments in One Private Liberal Arts University," Twyla Miranda, Ph.D., William Newton, Ed.D., Julie Vowell, Ph.D., Carlos Martinez, Ph.D. Journal of Learning in Higher Education. To be published online January 31, 2015. Print publication on March 1, 2015
- 2014 Article: Instruction Through the Lens of Socio-Economic Status: Reflections for Teacher-Educators." T. Miranda, C. Martinez, L. Dryden, W. Newton, J. Dryden, and S. Myers. Journal of Academic Perspectives.
- 2011 Editorial: Challenges of Leadership in Schools. Wesleyan Graduate Review. Vol. VIII, No. 1. 2011
Research Interests
My research interests include exploring and addressing the scientific needs of bilingual children. In addition, the exploration of strategies for pre-service and in-service bilingual education teachers in strengthening their Spanish literacy skills. Finally, other research interests include exploring bilingual educators' cultural proficiency, in the area of reading the exploration of Latino and African American Phonology and in health education the development of a Bilingual Health Professional.