We want to help you make college as affordable as possible. See what loans are available for you as an undergraduate student at Texas Wesleyan.
Amount: All students who file a FAFSA are reviewed for Federal Student Loans. Undergraduate students are offered Federal Student Loans based on their year in school and their dependency status. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 credits to receive their loans.
1st year: $5,500 (Dependent student) / $9,500 (Independent student)
No more than $3,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
2nd year: $6,500 (Dependent student) / $10,500 (Independent student)
No more than $4,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
3rd year and beyond: $7,500 (Dependent student) / $12,500 (Independent student)
No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
The maximum amount an Undergraduate Dependent student is allowed to borrow is $31,000 ($23,000 can be subsidized) whereas the maximum amount an Undergraduate Independent student is allowed to borrow is $57,500 ($23,000 can be subsidized).
| Learn more about Direct Loans |
Amount: Specified amount or up to remaining cost of attendance
| Learn more about Parent PLUS Loans |
Amount: Specified amount or up to remaining cost of attendance
Who: Students who are classified by Texas Wesleyan as a Texas Resident
| Learn more about College Access Loans |
Amount: Specified amount or up to remaining cost of attendance
Who: The Future Occupations & Reskilling Workforce Advancement to Reach Demand (FORWARD) Loan is for students classified by Texas Wesleyan as a Texas Resident who are enrolled in a program aligned with high-value credentials and high-demand occupations.
| Learn more about FORWARD Loans |
Amount: Specified amount or up to remaining cost of attendance
| Learn more about private loans from ELMSelect |