Doctor of Education
To qualify for graduation, a student must have completed successfully all program courses, required related courses, and either the curriculum and instruction or educational leadership concentration courses, and required dissertation research and defense.
You must have earned a 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) overall grade point average and have earned no more than two “C” grades. An application for graduation must be completed no later than the deadline specified for the term. All course work applicable to the Ed.D. degree must be no older than ten years.
Doctor of Philosophy in Marriage and Family Therapy
To qualify for graduation, a student must have completed successfully all program courses, required related courses, passed the comprehensive exam and required dissertation research and defense.
You must have earned a 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale) overall grade point average and have no more than two “C” grades. An application for graduation must be completed no later than the deadline specified for the term. All course work applicable to the doctoral degree must be no older than ten years.
Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia Practice
To qualify for graduation, a student must demonstrate satisfactory completion of...
- All course requirements, comprehensive program examination, and doctoral scholarly project within seven years.
- Earn a grade of at least a "B" in each course.
- Earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- An application for graduation must be filed in the Office of Student Records no later than the deadline specified in the University Catalog
- The graduation fee must be paid even if the graduate does not participate in the commencement ceremony
- All financial obligations to the program
- All published program requirements