Ph.D., Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
M.Ed., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
B.S., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Courses Taught
Teaching Adolescents Writing and Literature
Teaching Adolescent Literature
Language Acquisition
Linguistics Applied to Education
The Reading Process
Teaching Reading in the Primary Grades
Teaching Reading in the Intermediate Grades
Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (Undergraduate)
Environmental Processes & Assessments for Early Childhood
Foundations of Education
Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (Graduate)
Early Literacy Development
Children’s Literature in the Elementary School
Language Arts in the Elementary School
Reading in the Elementary School
Foundations of Reading (Graduate)
Reading Clinic (Graduate)
Psycho-social Dimensions of Education (Graduate)
Emerging Issues in Education (Graduate)
Reading Seminar (Graduate)
Freshman Success
“A District Collaboration: Creating a Balanced Reading Institute”. Twenty-fourth International Conference on Learning. Honolulu, Hawaii, July 2017,
“Guided Reading: From Theory to Practice”. Lilly Conference. Austin, Texas, January 2017.
“Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Best Practices for Elementary Students”. Texas Association for Literacy Education. Corpus Christi, Texas. February 2017.
“Best Practices for Culturally Responsive Teaching: From Theory to Practice”. New York State Reading Association. Rochester, New York, November 2016.
“Best Practices for Culturally Responsive Teaching”. Reading Recovery & K-6 Institute. Hurst, Texas. November, 2016.
“Culturally Responsive Teaching: Best Literacy Practices for Diverse Students”. Literacy – The Bridge to Hope & Opportunity Conference. Visalia, California. November 2016.
“Guided Reading: From Theory to Practice”. Florida Reading Association 54th Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida. October, 2016.
“Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking: Best Practices for Developing Literacy Skills in Elementary Students”. Twenty-third International Conference on Learning. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. July 2016.
“Culture Matters: The Multi-Dimensions of Bringing Literacy Success to English Language Learners”. 2016 Literacy Summit Literacy Research and Practice. San Antonio, Texas. February 2016.
“Motivating Reluctant Students to Read Through a Reader’s Workshop
“Helping Young Students Advance as Language Learners: Practices for comprehension Instruction”. Arkansas Reading Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas, November, 2015.
“Bridging Academic and Social Experiences: Culturally Responsive Best Practices”. Association for the advancement of Educational Research, Hutchinson Island, Florida, November, 2015.
“Encouraging Your Reluctant Writers with the Use of Children’s Literature”. Florida Reading Association Conference, Orlando, Florida. October, 2015.
“Writing Ideas to Reach Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students”. Bilingual/ESL Educators Association of the Metroplex, Arlington, Texas. March, 2015.
“Innovative Approaches Using Literature to Encourage Reluctant Writers”. Texas Association for Literacy Education Literacy Summit, The Woodlands, Texas. February, 2015.
“What Are Your Students Reading? The Latest and Greatest of Children’s Literature”. The Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii. January, 2015.
“Reading Comprehension and Critical Thinking Made Easy: Best Practices that are fun for Your Students”. New Zealand Literacy Association Conference, Bethlehem College. September 2014.
“Books Too Good to Miss: What Middle School Students Are Reading Today”. The Annual Conference for Middle Level Education, Nashville, Tennessee. November, 2014.
“Reading for Information made Easy and Enjoyable!”. Florida Reading Association Fall Conference. Orlando, Florida, October, 2014.
“Exploring the Motivating Role of Literature in the Elementary Classroom”. The Reading Recovery & K – 6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas, November, 2014.
“Fostering Critical Thinking Skills in Young Readers: Research Strategies that Work!”. Keystone State Reading Association Forty-Sixth Annual Conference. State College, Pennsylvania. October, 2013.
“Research-Based Practices for Promoting Critical Thinking in Enjoyable and Relevant Ways”. Texas Association for Literacy Education Conference. Round Rock, Texas. October, 2013.
“Activities that Work: Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Young Readers”. The 51st Florida Reading Association Conference, Orlando, Florida. September, 2013.
“Worldwide Practices for Developing Comprehension & Critical Thinking Skills in Young Readers”, 2013 International Asian Literacy Conference, Bali, Indonesia. September, 2013.
“Exploring Fourth Grade Writing Instruction in Title I Schools”, SERA Conference, Austin, Texas, February, 2013.
“Classroom Strategies to Use with Literature”, 2013 National Reading Recovery & K-6 Classroom Literacy Conference, Columbus, Ohio, February, 2013.
“Developing Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills in Young Readers: Comprehension Activities that Work!”, 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2013.
“Authentic Literacy Learning in Kindergarten”, Texas Woman’s University Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas, November, 2012.
“Best Practices for Promoting Making Vocabulary Instruction Relevant to Your Students”, 50th Annual Florida Reading Association Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 2012.
“Best Practices for Promoting Reading Comprehension in Fun, Enjoyable and Relevant Ways”, Indiana State Reading Association Fall Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, September, 2012.
“Differentiating Instruction using Literature Circles”, Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented Learners. (October, 2011).
“Developing Critical Thinking and Inferencing Skills Through an Integrated Approach to Reading and Writing”, 49th Annual Florida Reading Association Conference. (September, 2011).
“A Comprehensive Reading Model for Struggling Adolescent Readers”, Texas Middle School Reading Association. (February, 2011).
“Authentic Literacy Learning in Kindergarten”, Texas Woman’s University Literacy Institute (November, 2011).
“Authentic Literacy Activities for Beginning Readers”. Texas Woman’s University Early Literacy Institute. (November, 2010)
“Balanced Literacy for Adolescent English Language Learners: reading, Writing and Thinking Strategies Across the Curriculum” presented at the National Middle School Association’s 37th Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. (November, 2010).
“Adolescent Reading: “I Really Am Trying, but. . .” Reading Association of Ireland held in Dublin, Ireland. (October, 2010).
“Comprehension Through Reading and Writing: A Research-Based Model for Struggling Adolescents” presented at the Florida State Reading Conference held in Orlando, Florida. (September, 2010).
“The Four P’s of Adolescent Reading Comprehension: Passion, Purpose, Partnerships and Plans”. The International Reading Association Southeastern Regional Conference. (November, 2009). New Orleans, Louisiana.
“Strategic Reading for Adolescents: A Comprehension Model”. Kappa Delta Pi International Convocation. (October, 2009). Orlando, Florida.
“Effective Literacy Practices for Teachers in a global Society: Research Based Scaffolding Strategies to Support Students on their Journey as Readers and Writers”. The 16th Annual European Conference on Reading. (July, 2009). Braga, Portugal.
“Supporting Second Language Learners: Practical Guidance for Classroom Teachers”. The 17th International Literacy Conference. (February, 2009). Guatemala City, Guatemala.
“Effective Instructional Strategies for Oral Language Development”. The Colorado State Reading Conference. (February, 2009). Denver, Colorado.
“Practicing What We Preach: What Effective University Professors Do”. The Teaching Professor Conference. (May, 2008). Kissimmee, Florida.
“Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Young Readers”. Reading Recover and Early Literacy Institute. (November, 2008). Dallas, Texas.
“Setting the Stage for Success through Instructional Strategies for Language Development” (February, 2007). 6th Annual International Literacy Conference. Guatemala City, Guatemala.
“Effective Instruction in Oral Language”. TAMUCC 11th Annual Reading Conference. (March, 2007). Corpus Christi, Texas.
“Setting the Stage for Success through Communication, Expression, Articulation and Manifestation: Practices for the Enhancement of Oral Language Development”. 15th Annual European Conference on Reading. (August, 2007). Berlin, Germany.
“Creating a Love for Books in Your Struggling Readers”. Association for constructivist Teaching. (October, 2007). Berkley, California.
“Using Problem-based Learning to Enhance the Construction of Scientific Knowledge for Students of all Ability Levels”. Association for constructivist Teaching. (October, 2007). Berkley, California.
“Best Practices for Enhancing Language Development in Young Children: Talk is a Good Thing!”. 5th Annual CEDER Conference. (November, 2007). Corpus Christi, Texas.
“Motivating Reluctant Readers through good Books and Talk”. Texas State Reading Association. (November, 2006). Austin, Texas.
“Developing Critical Thinking Skills using Literature: Books too Good to Miss!”. TAMUCC 10th Annual Reading Conference. (April, 2006). Corpus Christi, Texas.
“Effective Instructional Strategies in Oral Language Development: Fun with Phonological Awareness and Phonics!”. 31st Plains International Reading Association Conference. (October, 2006). Omaha, Nebraska.
“Best Practices for Language Development”. National Association of Early childhood Teacher Educators Conference. (June, 2006). San Antonio, Texas.
“Put Away those Worksheets: Hands-On Phonics Activities for Your Students”. (2005). Texas State Reading Association. Houston, Texas.
“Preparing young Children for Reading Success” (2005). Texas Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts Conference. San Antonio, Texas.
“Developing Critical Thinking Strategies Using Literature” (2005). Southeastern International Regional Association Conference. New Orleans, Louisiana.
“Cooking with Literature” (2005). Kappa Delta Pi National Convocation. Orlando, Florida.
“Developing Reading and Writing in a Second Language”. (2005). Reading Association of Ireland Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
“Making Language Arts Fun and Easy for All of Your Students”. (January, 2004). Texas Council of Teachers of English. Austin, Texas.
“Becoming the Language Arts Teacher You Were Meant to Be!”. (March, 2004). Texas State Reading Association. Corpus Christi, Texas.
“Writing Activities that have a Positive Impact on your Students”. (January, 2003). Texas Council of Teachers of English. San Antonio, Texas.
“Building a Love for Literature in your Students”. (March, 2003). Texas State Reading Association. Austin, Texas.
“Creating the Child-Centered Classroom”. (January, 2002). Texas Council of Teachers of English. Austin, Texas
“Growing With Books”. (March, 2002). Texas State Reading Association. Corpus Christi, Texas.
“Strategies for Developing Efficient Thinkers: What Does the Research Demonstrate?”. (November, 2001). College Reading Association. Orlando, Florida.
“Improving the Writing Skills of Young Children: Strategies and Materials that Make a Difference”. (October, 2002). International Reading Association Great Lakes Regional Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio.
“Specific Hands-On Activities for Critical Thinkers”. (October, 2001). International Reading Association Southeast Regional Conference. Hilton Head, South Carolina
“Improving the Writing Skills of Young Children”. (March, 2001). Texas State Reading Association Conference. Dallas, Texas.
“Writing in a Literature-Based Reading Program”. (January, 2001). Texas Council of Teachers of English Conference. Houston, Texas
“Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Young Readers”. (November, 2000). College Reading Association Conference. St. Pete Beach, Florida.
“Responsive Teaching: What the Research Demonstrates”. (October, 2000). GSOTTE: Austin, Texas.
“Growing With Books”. (March, 2000). Texas State Reading Association Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas.
“Creating the Child-Centered Classroom”. (January, 2000). Texas Council of Teachers of English. Austin, Texas.
“Creating the Child-Centered Classroom”. (November, 1999). 27th Southwest Regional International Reading Association Conference. Little Rock, Arkansas.
“Holistic Assessment: Techniques to Provide Successful Experiences for all of Your Students”. (November, 1999). Kappa Delta Pi 1999 Biennial Convocation. Baltimore, Maryland.
“Creating the Literacy Child-centered Classroom”. (October, 1999). Fort Worth Area AEYC. Fort Worth, Texas.
“Creating the Literacy Child-centered Classroom”. (April, 1999). Fort Worth Area AEYC. Fort Worth, Texas.
“Creating A Child-Centered Classroom and Activities”. (March, 1999). Texas State Reading Association. Houston, Texas.
“Linking Language and Literacy Through Poetry”. (February, 1999). Texas Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention. Fort Worth, Texas.
“Strategies for Teaching Students with limited English: What to Say and How to Say it!”. (February, 1999). 26th Southwest Regional International Reading Conference. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Dryden, L. (2016). “A Book Review: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review. Volume XIII.
Dryden, L. (2016). “A Book Review: A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review. Volume XIII.
Wright, M., Miranda, T., Wilson, C. & Dryden, L. (2016). “A Phenomenological Investigation into Cultural Factors Which Mayor May Not Contribute to Degree Completion Among Native American Students in One Community College”. Journal of Perspectives in Applied Academic Practice, Volume 4, Issue 1.
Dryden, L. (2015). “A Book Review: Song of Solomon”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review. Volume XII.
Dryden, L. (2014). “Incorporating Literature in the Elementary School Curriculum: Three Ways Classroom Teachers Approach the Issue”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review, Volume XI.
Anderson, A. & Dryden, L. (2014). “Fourth Grade Writing Instruction; A Cast Study of Three Teachers in Title I Schools”. The Journal of Research Initiatives, Volume 1, Issue 2.
Dryden, L. (2014). “Guided Reading: From Theory to Practice”. The Texas Journal of Literacy Education, Volume 2, Issue 2, Winter.
Dryden, L. (2014). “Children’s Literature Review: The One and Only Ivan”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review. Volume XI.
Dryden, L. (2014). “Children’s Literature Review: Have You Seen My New Blue Socks?”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review. Volume XI.
Dryden, L. (2013). “Incorporating Literature in the Elementary School Curriculum: Three Ways Classroom Teachers Approach the Issue”. The Wesleyan Graduate Review.
T. Haefner & L. Dryden (2012). “An Examination of Phonemic Awareness in Below-Level First Grade Students. The Wesleyan Graduate Review.
Miranda, T., Dryden, J., Dryden, L., Martinez, C. & Myers, S. (2011). “Social Processes Observed During Preparation for State-Mandated Tests: Implications for Teacher Education Programs”. Critical Issues in Teacher Education, XVIII.
Miller, C., Dryden, L. & Turner-White, D. (2010). “Developing Positive Attitudes Toward Reading and Increasing Reading Fluency: First Graders and Their Parents Reading Together”, The Reading Paradigm,4(1).
Dryden, L. (2005). “Good Advice”. Teaching PreK-8, May Issue.
Dryden, L. & Reed, M. (2005). “Language Arts Made Easy”. Texas State Reading Report, Spring Issue.
Jenkins, L. (1997). Book review, “Between Worlds Access to Second Language Acquisition,” The Wesleyan Review.
Jenkins, L. & Lynch-Brown, C. (1993). Using More Literature in the Classroom: Three Ways Teachers Approach the Issue. Florida Reading Quarterly, (29), 15 – 25.
Jenkins, L. & Lynch-Brown, C. (1990). Alternative Strategies to Enrich Story Time. Florida Reading Quarterly, 26(4), 7-11.
Jenkins, L. (1990). “Children’s Books on the Solar System,” School Library Media Activities Monthly, 6(9), 30-32 & 43.