- Choice, Challenges, Change. Presentation of current legislative initiatives for the 84th Legislative Session. Presented by William Newton, Joe Dryden, Ken Helvey
- An Investigation into Instructor Preparation, Implementation, and Reflective Practice During Alternative Course Offerings in Education Departments at One Private Liberal Arts University, Presented at the International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education, May 2014, Nashville, TN
- Social Processes Observed During Preparation for State-Mandated Tests: Implications for Teacher Education Programs, Presented at 2012 Association of Teacher Educators National Conference, San Antonio, Texas, February 13, 2012
- Social Processes of Six Effective Third Grade Classrooms Through the Lens of Socio-economic Status, Presented at 2012 CSSOTE Conference, Austin, Texas, October 23, 2012
- Newton, William, Webb, Lorrie, Jones, Heather. Effect of Physical Activity on Academic Performance. Submitted to Proceedings of University College Day, Texas Wesleyan University. 2010.
- "An Investigation into Instructor Implementation of Alternative Course Offerings in Education Departments in One Private Liberal Arts University," Twyla Miranda, Ph.D., William Newton, Ed.D., Julie Vowell, Ph.D., Carlos Martinez, Ph.D. Journal of Learning in Higher Education. To be published online January 31, 2015. Print publication on March 1, 2015
- Article: Instruction Through the Lens of Socio-Economic Status: Reflections for Teacher-Educators." T. Miranda, C. Martinez, L. Dryden, W. Newton, J. Dryden, and S. Myers. Journal of Academic Perspectives.
- Editorial: Challenges of Leadership in Schools. Wesleyan Graduate Review. Vol. VIII, No. 1. 2011
Research Interests
My research interests are effective implementation of change and leadership within schools. Relationship building and teacher identification of student needs are key factors in ensuring student success. I focus on teacher-student relationships and on leadership strategies for local and district-level administrators. Regarding school leadership, it is important that those in leadership roles are able to identify needed changes and put in place strategies that provide for successful implementation and monitoring of those strategies.